Saturday, March 3, 2012

Quilt Cut Cutting Board

As you may have noticed, I'm in love with my cutting board. Since I've been posting pictures using it, I've been getting a lot of questions about it. Unfortunately, I don't sell them or get any money from writing this part of my blog. But, I do want to share how cool my cutting board really is and how it is worth the money. 

Here is an overview of the cutting board.  There are a few things on this board that a flat Omnigrid mat does not provide. First, there is a clamp bar that holds the fabric firm and in place while cutting. Second, The speed gauge and cutting guide provide a quick way to cut and measure your fabric. The guide also turns to many different degrees and attaches to two sides of the board. Third, the board is held to the table by rubber stoppers on the bottom. I was worried about the board moving but it stays in place. 

As I mentioned above, the cutting guide and speed gauge rotate to many different degrees. Here is a good example right from Altos website:

The speed gauge is my best friend! I can move the gauge to the exact measurement I want to cut. If I want to cut 2 1/2 inch strips, I move the gauge to the 2 1/2 inch mark and start cutting. Then I slide the cutting guide over so the speed gauge lines up with the cut I just made and cut again. I repeat this process over and over until I have the desired amount of pieces. 

I also purchased the carrying case for my board. I actually kept the original box and used it as storage when the board was not in use. However, the box only last a little bit and I travel and teach classes often so I invested the money for the case. 
The case is padded, has zippers on the sides, pockets for carrying my rotary cutters, rulers and more. 

I strongly suggest checking the board out! This will show you the online demo: 

I plan on purchasing another board from Alto's however it will be the Quilt Cut Pro version. 

The pro version has all the cool features of the Quilt Cut 2 however this pro version is bigger and has a bolt roller. The bolt roller is additional but I think it's worth the money if you're cutting a large amount of fabric at once. 

Here is the main page of Alto's. Please leave me comments on what you think about the board. Or, you can always ask me questions about the board. Thanks!

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