Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pinwheel Peace

 Here is a quilt I made out of pinwheels and squares. I first started by making the pattern on a grid of 
15 X 15 squares with each square being 4 inches. Then I color coded everything, number everything and started cutting. 
When I have a lot to cut, I use this cutting board. It allows me to cut 4 layers of fabric at once. Plus, it allows me to cut in all different directions. I LOVE this board!

I first cut 3 inch squares. Then I turned my straightedge to a 60 degree angle and cut my triangles. 

These are the triangles I made out of the squares. 

Here's my stack of triangles. Now, I am ready to sew.

I sewed together a colored triangle and a white triangle. Then ironed them open. Last, I ironed the seam open on the back. This is an important step because the seams meet up and produce a lot of fabric in one area. When your quilt is quilted, these areas can prevent quilting. So, iron the seams open in order for your quilt top to lay flatter and be able to be quilted. 

All seams are ironed open.


After I sewed all my pinwheels together and ironed all seams open, I started sewing the quilt top together. This is the main row of the quilt, so I started with that and built upon it. 

Here's a pic of the progress...

The peace sign is complete. Now, I just need to add borders. 

The top is now ready to be quilted. 

**If you are interested in seeing the grid (pattern) I designed to make this quilt, just let me know and I'll send it to you. :)