Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quilting Order Form

This is my quilting order form I use for quilting orders. I can email it to you so you can edit and print it to send with your quilt order. Please let me know if you want it emailed to you. You can contact me at or you can call me at 253.495.4743

Harvey’s Heirloom Quilting
Machine Quilting Order Form

Name __________________________________________________________
City_____________________________ State ______ Zip _______________

Phone: ______________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________

Quilt Size in Inches: (Length times Width)
(L) _______ inches  X  (W) ________ = ________________ sq. inches

Description of Quilt:

Type of Quilting Desired: (check one) ** (see descriptions of quilting options)

Pantograph (minimum $45) $.02- $.025/sq. inch:
square inch _________ X $________= $__________
Pattern name: _________________________________________________

Custom Work: (more than 75% of quilt is “free hand”, min. $65) between $0.025/sq. inch- $0.05/sq. inch. __________
square inch _________ X $_______= $_______

Description of custom design, please include sketches on separate sheet if necessary.

Warm and Natural 90”, Hobbs 80/20--$6 per yard

Length _____ X $6=                                                    $ _____________

Backing: Customer provided (should be 4 inches larger, on all sides, than the quilt top): ________

Piecing backing material: $20.00                     $ _____________

Thread Color(s): ____________________________________________
Specialty thread= $6, regular thread= $5 per quilt, color change is $1 per color per quilt.
# of thread colors ______ X $_____=        $ ______________

Quilt Construction Fee
(If Laura Harvey is constructing the quilt top for this order)
Quilts measuring 40” X 40” or smaller- $50.00 (small)
Quilts measuring 41” X41” to 60” X 60”- $75.00 (medium)
Quilts measuring 61” X 61” to 99” X 99”- $100.00 (large)
Quilts measuring 100” X 100” or larger- $150.00 (X large)

                                                                              $ ________________

 Rush Order 
(Less than 3 weeks to quilt, See size description above)
Small $20, Medium $30, Large $40, X large $50

Shipping and Handling
I will do my best to use a flat rate box. However, queen and king size quilts do not fit in a flat rate box. The shipping will be based on weight per the post office.

Insurance: Offered by the U.S.P.S.
Yes _______  No ________
                                                                               $ _______________
Amount of insurance: (How much do you want me to insure your quilt or through the mail service?)

Total Estimate:                                         $______________